I haven't been online too much lately. Our laptop is out of commission until the new power cord arrives in the mail, and I just don't feel like going downstairs very often to the desktop. Especially since the homepage down here is set to CNBC market news, and lately that's just plain depressing to see.
I thought I would do a little recap of our school year. This will be our last full week of school. Starting next week, and through the summer, we will be doing school two days a week.
All in all our school year has been very productive.
While it is still not his favorite thing, Isaac's reading has improved
so much this year. Especially his comprehension. Also, last year he would resist any attempt we made to get him to read outside of school work but now he will read anything. Due to our chaotic Spring last year, Isaac started this year finishing up his first grade math. He is now half way through third grade math. He is also currently working on cursive writing.
Elijah started this year in kindergarten. He spent about two months doing kindergarten work and then moved on to first grade work. He started the year learning his alphabet and now he is reading! He spent a few months doing kindergarten math but I decided it would be a waste of time to make him finish that. He is now finishing up the first grade math.
Sam started kindergarten with Elijah. However, as Elijah moved ahead I stopped kindergarten with Sam. He did learn his alphabet and numbers though.
I feel good since I already know what needs to be ordered for the Fall so I won't have that hanging over me this summer.
Can I just add how much more I enjoyed this year not being pregnant! :)