Week from You-Know-Where
Every single one of us had a stomach bug this week. All.Five.Kids. Yes, five kids with a stomach bug is as bad as it sounds. There was a very low ratio of actually making it to the toilet. Lots of cleaning, lots of laundry. It hit the youngest the hardest, as Jeremiah, Isaac and I all had it very mild and poor Sadie, Jonah and Sammy had it the worst. Sadie worries me the most because she is so small and small babies can dehydrate so fast. She is not sick anymore, but her diaper was dry this morning and that's not good. I'm feeding her as often as I can, but I'm going to pick up some pedialyte to make sure she gets those fluids back.
Two goods things are 1. It's a short virus (12-24 hours), 2. The boys all napped...a lot.