Christmas Hodgepodge
On Saturday, Jeremiah's mom came down to bring gifts and spend the afternoon. The boys had a wonderful time opening their presents and visiting grandma. Before she arrived, I had a little chat with Elijah regarding the correct response to receiving clothes as a gift. Last year when Grandma brought him a very cute outfit, he said "We already have clothes." This year, when he opened a shirt he smiled big and said "Look! A shirt!"

My Christmas fudge was a dismal failure. It was more like fudge frosting. Next year I will be looking for a less complicated recipe. No more of this dropping fudge into cold water to see if it turns into a ball ect... Last year I made fudge with my friends and it turned out great. Obviously that was due to their skill and not mine.
After church on Sunday we stopped at the store to pick up some ingredients for Christmas dinner. I wanted to buy some sparkling juice. The cashier told me she could not sell it before noon because, even though it is non-alcoholic, it is made by a liquor company. It was 11:55. "Forget it" I told her, I wasn't going to stand around for five minutes for some juice!
Speaking of our Christmas dinner, Jeremiah requested stew. I certainly wasn't going to raise any objections! On Christmas morning I threw everything in the crock pot and forgot about it until dinner time. Also, my mom used to make stew on Christmas so it felt like carrying on a tradition.

On Christmas morning the boys woke us up and politely asked if they could open their presents. Before we got started Isaac reminded me that it was the Lord's birthday. I was humbled because I certainly wasn't thinking about that! They each got a few things, but most of their gifts were things for all of them. A big box of duplos and board games. The hands down favorite was the Fisher Price castle. They played with that all. day. long. Then woke up today and played some more. It is a very cool castle though.
The only downside to the day was Jonah. He is not feeling well and only wants to be rocked and snuggled. He hasn't even touched his new toys yet. That will change when he feels better...or maybe not. You know how one year olds are, anything is more interesting than a toy.

Some of you might remember way back in October when I said I was wishing for a dressform. Well, even though I never brought it up again, Jeremiah went back in the archives and ordered the exact model I wanted! Granted, it wasn't a surprise because I check the bank site every day, but I was still excited! Here is a pic of me and "My Double", even though it's really my pre-pregnancy double. I had a chance to play with some fabric yesterday and I already know it's going to make a great addition to my sewing tools.
I hope everybody had a great day and I look forward to reading about it and seeing pics on your blogs.