This afternoon I wasted precious time going thru my
Emily of New Moon trilogy to find a quote. I remember her teacher critiquing her poetry and telling her that the subject of Spring has been written to death. Alas, he wasn't talking about Spring, but
June. Since I was going to write about Spring, not June, its not relevent but after all the energy I expended to find the stinking quote I had to mention it.
Where was I going with this? Oh right, Spring. Its great isn't it? Why don't we celebrate the New Year now? It seems more appropriate. Anyway, for our family it boils down to one thing: outside. Its not that the boys don't play outside in the winter, but do you know what it's like to spend 30 minutes dressing them so they can play outside for 20 minutes? Spring marks the reversal of that, 5 minutes to dress, hours to play outside. It means bike rides and walks that are good for tiring out little people.
An ounce of energy burned outside is worth a pound burned inside...or something like that.