Reunion Recap
So yeah, the reunion was wonderful. Camping, however, was exhausting. Jonah is at such a tough age, not old enough to listen real well but old enough to move fast and be a stinker. Even at home I get so tired of chasing him outside after just a little while. So trying to keep an eye on the stinker and hold a baby was tiring, even though plenty of people were happy to hold Sadie. Plus, it was pretty cold last night, and it was the worst night of sleep I had since I was in the hospital. We were considering staying tonight too, but decided that one night was plenty this year. Next year Jonah will be easier though, so we will probably camp longer.
Our picture taking consisted of Jeremiah taking the camera out yesterday and snapping about 30 pictures in 10 minutes. There were a lot of cameras though, so if your family I'm sure you will see some better pics on the reunion website.
Isaac, with Jonah trying to pull him away to get in some mischief (and Sammy playing golf)

Elijah wearing Grampa Larry's hat

Sadie's first camping experience. She was wonderful.