Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Too Bad
I know Hollywood marriages tend to expire faster than milk, but every once in awhile there is a couple that you think might, just might, make it. I was really sorry to hear that Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe are splitting up.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Trip - Part 2

After we left MS, we headed to Florida to see my sister and nephews.

My sister lives on a tiny Army base near Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. It's about 20 miles out in the middle of nowhere, but it has really nice housing, a huge park, a pool, and even a reptile house with snakes and alligators. Of course, the boys just loved that. What I didn't expect in Florida was to be freezing the whole time! They were having very unseasonably cold weather.
On the way home we spent a night North of Birmingam, Alabama. There was no particular reason, just that we really felt like stopping. The next day we had planned on stopping in Kentucky to see the Mamouth Caves, but the weather was so cold and rainy that we just kept driving and driving all the way home. From Alabama to Michigan.

Also, on the way home we got off the interstate
in Alabama, Tennesse and Kentucky so we
could see a little more of the states. In Alabama, what initially looked like trash along the streets turned out to be cotton blowing around. That's just not something you see in Michigan.
All in all, we had a good time. The boys had a lot of fun with their cousins and were very very good travellers. Jonah has improved greatly since our last trip to the U.P

Friday, October 27, 2006
Home Sweet Home
We're home! We rolled in very early this morning. We drove all day and night yesterday. I will update with some pictures later. First, we need to get some food in this house and I have to return a few phone calls. We must have a foot of leaves in our yard! I can't wait to catch up on everybody's blogs, although my bloglines is a bit overwhelming right now!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Children's Museum.

I haven't died from a gangerous finger, in case you were wondering.

Here you can see Isaac as weatherman in the National Geographic Maps exhibit. Next you have Elijah shoveling rocks in the Science is Everywhere exhibit (the boy's favorite I think). Finally, you have the boys standing in front of a mastodon skeleton.
Our next stop was

And finally today we arrived in Mississippi to see some family.

Saturday, October 14, 2006
Sewing can be Hazardous to your Health

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Art Wednesday

Second, was this weeks Art project. Today we had a break from kitchen art as the theme was learning to draw with shapes. This shows up every few weeks thru out the book. Today's picture was an Eagle. You can see the example in the book, and Isaac's Eagle underneath. Not quite as exciting as the other projects, but we had a pretty long day of school today so it was nice to do something simple and non-messy.

Monday, October 09, 2006
Bucking the Norm
Somebody on one of my message boards (who happens to be in the article!) posted this article about larger families. It also mentions Laura from Project Runway who is expecting her sixth baby.
There was one quote that made a me roll my eyes a bit.
There was one quote that made a me roll my eyes a bit.
“The majority of the large families I know have made adjustments — the kids share bedrooms, they don’t always get new toys,” she said. “It’s more a question of valuing things a little differently.”This is one thing I do not understand. There seems to be this new American standard that kids need their own room. Not that its wrong if your children have their own rooms, but to think that a child is being deprived because he has to -gasp- share a room is just absurd to me.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Christmas Wishlist
Just when you scrape enough out of your brain for a blog entry, next thing you know its already four days later and you need to come up with another one! It's been awhile since I asked my lovely readers a question, so here it is:
What do you want for Christmas? Now, I realize Christmas is much more than getting gifts, but I am still interested in hearing what that dream gift would be. Even if you know there's not a chance you will be recieving it, what are you wishing for?
As for me, i'm wishing for a dressform.
What do you want for Christmas? Now, I realize Christmas is much more than getting gifts, but I am still interested in hearing what that dream gift would be. Even if you know there's not a chance you will be recieving it, what are you wishing for?
As for me, i'm wishing for a dressform.