Today we have been married for 10 years! Quite a milestone. And to mark this date as even more special, I received a call from my sister letting me know that my nephew arrived safely this morning at 3:15 a.m.
I was really wanting a nice picture of us on our 10th anniversary, but you can't be to picky when the photographer is 5 years old.

One last funny story:
Yesterday, I fired up the sewing machine for the first time in 2.5 months. I won't get into the skirt that is not magically turning into the one I envisioned. However, there was a stuffed spider-man sitting next to my machine, just waiting to have a big hole in his head repaired along with some stuffing replaced. I tried to my best but the hole was in an awkward spot to fix.
"Sorry but his head is going to look a little weird" I told Isaac.
"That's Okay" he assured me "A lot of the people I draw have weird heads"