Sunday, December 19, 2010


We went to visit Santa at the mall a couple days ago. Sadie especially wanted to. She really really wants a pink bucket of legos and I think she wanted to make sure she had all her bases covered by telling Santa that. The boys just went for the candy cane. They were good sports though, and told Santa what they wanted.


Sunday, December 12, 2010


Isaac is eleven today! He wanted a solar system birthday cake. I tried to put the planets on correctly, I was even looking at a chart, but they weren't labeled so I ended up getting a bunch wrong. We gave him his birthday present (a video camera) a few days early so we could record his concert.


A song from his concert (it's only 30 seconds long):

Friday, December 10, 2010

Trumpet Player

Isaac had his first band concert last night. It went really well. He played with the beginning band (there are 10 members). There was also an intermediate band as well as elementary,beginning and advanced choirs. It was a really nice concert. Isaac really enjoys playing the trumpet, and is playing very good for a beginner.

