Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Six Weeks

I had my six week check up today (really 6.5 weeks). Other people say "six weeks already??" but I feel like Jonah has been here forever and it seems like much longer than six weeks to me. I took Jonah with me so the nurses and everybody could see him and make the appropriate fuss (which they did.) Although I had to disappoint them again because they are always rooting for red hair. I have 9 pounds to go to reach my pre-pregnancy weight. Thats not so bad considering I haven't even begun exercising yet unless you count one lesiurely walk around the block everyday with the boys.

I always feel like my six week check up ends the "newborn" phase, so now its onto the "infant" phase.


Blogger Melissa said...

Wow! it doesn't seem like six weeks to me. And you only have 9 pounds left to lose you brat. Rub it in why don't you. You look so awesome.

3:41 PM  
Blogger Amie said...

Oh come on Melissa, have you even gained 9 pounds? LOL

3:58 PM  
Blogger Choppzs said...

Wow, I can't believe it's been that long either! It seems like just yesterday we were all waiting for the "Birth Post" lol He's such a cutie!

11:24 PM  
Blogger DDanielle said...

My Father-in-law insist our baby will have red hair. My hair isn't always considered red. On top of that there is no other redheads in our family. I keep trying to tell him "nope I a fluke" but he keeps insisting. Hate to disapoint him, maybe if I show him pictures of children from a "real" redhead who has other redheads in her family he will believe me:-)

7:40 AM  
Blogger Me said...

I can't believe it's been 6 weeks. That flew by, didn't it?

He's just are all the boys!

9:39 PM  

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