Friday, August 27, 2004

Where did my baby go?

Well its official, Samuel is now just another one of the boys. He is no longer an amused spectator just enjoying the show. He now toddles after his big brothers eager to participate in the fun (or more often mischief).

Let me assure you, his brothers have wasted no time in teaching him the ropes. Just today Isaac showed Samuel how fun it is to bang on the bedroom door when daddy is sleeping. I have since moved Samuel away from the door no less than 10 times today, his little arms still making pounding motions in the air.

Elijah has done his part too. He was more than happy to show Samuel how to empty out the tupperware cupboard, the utensil drawer, the bookcase and the boys drawers in their room.

However, Samuel has taught himself skills such as splashing in the toilet, pulling things out of the garbage and tearing up books.

Whenever I'm tempted to even feel the least bit upset with him, Sammy will pull out the big guns. He will give me his "crinkle nose" grin, showing off his little teeth, and these two adorable little dimples under his nose. Its impossible to be upset with this boy when you see those little dimples.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cute baby..How about some pics?

6:16 PM  

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